United Church pastoral charges have three different choices in the structure of organization.  At Grace, we have chosen the Unified Board structure that combined the traditional functions of the Session (focused more on the spiritual side) and Committee of Stewards (focused more on the financial and property side).  The functions of the Session and Committee of Stewards are assigned to committees of the Board. The Board is composed of members elected by the Congregation at the Annual Meeting (late February/early March).

There are seven main Committees of the Board: Worship; Christian Development; Pastoral Care and Outreach; Property; Finance; Ministry and Personnel; and Communications. There are other subcommittees of the Board that report through a main committee – Grace Initiatives Committee, Health Committee, AV Renewal Committee that report to the Board. They are not part of the permanent structure of the Board but carry out work on behalf of the board. The work of the Church is carried on through or under the supervision of these Committees. The committees have both members from the Board and the congregation.

Meetings (zoom and in-person) are generally held the fourth Thursday in September, October, November, January, March, April, May or early June in the Lower Hall. Meetings are open to the congregation. The Chair of the Board chairs the meetings and provides a summary in the bulletin in the following week(s).

Our meetings are hybrid, either in-person or by Zoom.

Click here for notes on our latest meetings.

For list of Board Chairs with picture and contact information click here