National/International Outreach

Our love for our neighbour not only applies to our neighbours within our community but also people nationally and internationally. Grace congregation partners with national/international organizations as part of this outreach.

Leprosy Mission of Canada

Two Sundays in early winter are designed as Sundays to support effect:hope (originally Leprosy Mission Canada). Our Sunday School provides decorated containers that are used to collect donations. Our congregation collects used franked stamps which are sold and the proceeds are sent to effect:hope. From there it is sent to areas of the world where Leprosy is most prevalent.

Members of the congregation also knit Hope Dolls used both for fundraising and as gifts to affected children by effect:hope. Please contact the Church Office for greater details.

Used Eyeglasses

Our congregation collects used eye-glasses for Lions Club International’s Lions Recycle for Sight program for people in need in developing countries. Donations may be left at the back of the sanctuary in the marked box.

Heart of Dartmouth

Heart of Dartmouth Refugee Sponsorship is a partnership of members of Grace, other Dartmouth churches and the wider community that collaborate to support refugees. The Group had been formed to support a family of Syrian refugees and that was followed by with the support of a refugee from Uganda. The group is currently in abeyance.

United Church Outreach

Grace congregation supports the Mission and Service (M&S) of the United Church of Canada. We also support the Atlantic School of Theology (AST). As part of our mission to the larger church, Grace has been a training site to people on their journey towards ordained ministry.