Ecumenical Events

Many of our fellowship opportunities have been cancelled or changed to a virtual event during the Covid-19 pandemic. Please check our Facebook and announcements to see what is happening.

Fellowship Opportunities

Dartmouth Christian Men's Fellowship Prayer Breakfast

Usually the Dartmouth Christian Men's Fellowship Prayer Breakfast (DCMFPB) is held monthly on the third Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. at the Dartmouth Seniors' Centre. All men are welcome. Please contact our church office to ask for the group's contact information.


Good Friday Men's Breakfast

On Good Friday, Port Wallis United Church holds an Good Friday Men's Breakfast. It is an opportunity for men of our various Churches get to know each other during a delicious breakfast. There is a free will offering at a basket at the door helps to defray costs.

Bring a friend! If you plan to attend, please contact our church office to ask for the contact phone number for RSVPs; the cooks would like to be able to better judge how many to prepare for.

Good Friday Ecumenical Service

Churches in the Downtown Dartmouth area co-operate to offer at Good Friday Service at 10:30am. The venue changes annual.y. This meaningful service of approximate 90 minutes in length offers us an opportunity to gather with fellow Christians. See check our calendar, slides on home page, Facebook or the church bulletin for additional details .