Fellowship Events

Coffee Fellowship

After each worship service, the wall comes down and we gather to enjoy refreshments and conversation

Coffee Fellowship has been re-established. We have tea, coffee, juice or water as well as a treat, but we ask you sit at a table or in a pew in the church. If you would like to participate in hosting coffee fellowship, please contact the office.

Annual Fellowship Events

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - 2019

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - 2019

On Shrove Tuesday evening, a congregational supper is held from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Lower Hall. There is only one sitting, beginning with brief Worship. Please come and enjoy pancakes, sausages, dessert, juice, tea and coffee. There is a small cost that is used to defray the cost of Easter breakfast. See details on our calendar,slides on home page, Facebook or bulletin for dates.

Easter Breakfast

On Easter Sunday morning, a congregational breakfast is held at 8:30 a.m. in the Lower Hall. All are welcome to come and enjoy fruit salad, pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs, muffins, juice, tea and coffee. There is no cost for this delicious breakfast however food-bank items will be collected and people are encouraged to bring muffins for sharing.

Easter 014 (2).JPG

Many hands make light work during set-up on Saturday and clean-up on Sunday. Some dedicated chefs are in the kitchen very, very early on Easter morning. Volunteers stay after breakfast on Sunday to clear tables, load the dishwasher, dry dishes, stack chairs and move tables. If you can help this year; please contact our office and ask our church secretary for the name and number of the relevant contact person. Thank-you to one and all who have helped at breakfasts past. Yummmm. See details on our calendar,slides on home page, Facebook or bulletin for dates.

Advent Event

In 2023, our Advent Event was held after Church as we gathered together, reflected on the story, sang carols, and ended with Silent Night. See details on our calendar,slides on home page, Facebook or bulletin for 2024 plans.

Christmas Carolling


This event was been cancelled 2020-2023. We may resume it in 2024. On the fourth Sunday of Advent, our congregation meets outside our church at 6:00 p.m. to go Christmas Carolling. We go by car to sing for some of the less mobile members of our congregation. We have finished at the Harvey's for some delicious cookies and hot chocolate. See details on our calendar,slides on home page, Facebook or bulletin for dates.

If you wish to be involved in any of our fellowship and service opportunities or if you want any further information, then please contact our office and ask our church secretary for the name and number of the relevant contact person.